Issue 53: From Dana
We all know the routine: once you’ve tackled the back-to-school rush and summer starts fading like a happy memory, we’re suddenly busy as all get out with curriculum nights, community organizing events, extracurricular fairs and charity fundraisers. Everything kicks back into gear this time of year, and that September rhythm can be downright jarring. It seems like only yesterday we were eating dinner with friends late into those lazy summer weeknights, but now, here we are, a fresh calendar of obligations posted on the fridge, and with so many of those activities, faced with the same-old question:
What will you bring to the bake sale?
Brownies—fudgy, chewy, made from scratch ones—have always been my trusted go-to. They’re easy to make in big batches, portion out for sale, and transport without compromising their structural integrity. But as good as they are, when I’m on the other side of the table as a customer, it can be hard to muster enthusiasm for something as basic as a brownie with all those colorful cupcakes and candy-studded cookies and Rice Crispy treats on offer, so I like to dress my bake sale brownies up a bit.